Top News: Two Great Reasons to Double Up on ThinLine!

Trainers are putting riders in double ThinLine pads during schooling or when a horse is more advanced than a rider. 

While it is no surprise doubling ThinLine pads helps severally sore backed horses we were excited to discover many trainers are using double thickness ThinLine to “slightly dull” the riders seat on highly trained horses.


When horses are in training professionals are working hard to create balanced horses who are able to respond quickly to light and sensitive aids. Frequently it takes some time for owners, or riders taking lessons on upper level horses, to develop a quiet seat and give appropriate aids. In order not to dull the horse trainers are using double pads to “mute” the extra noises of riders seats and upper legs so the horses can stay responsive.

Trainers are having students ride with an extra ThinLine basic pad on days they are not under the watchful eye of their instructor. This keeps the horses from feeling too much additional noise. The second pad is taken off while in lessons or in the show ring when riders are more mindful of their aids. Trainers are reporting they are able to keep their upper level lesson horses and their clients show horses much more through and responsive in the show ring!

How To: 

DO place a basic ThinLine Half Pad, Western, or Contour Pad ON TOP of your Ultra basic or Ultra shimmable saddle pad. The Basic ThinLine pad will lift the saddle and will not create a tighter saddle fit.


About four years ago Mike Winter, Eventer, called us to tell us he was frequently using two ThinLine pads on horses at the same time. he wondered if this was a common occurrence. We asked him why he needed two, his reply;

I often take client horses for training. They are shipped to Florida and training is paid for by the month. Many times we have horses arrive with sore backs either from poor saddle fit, poor bio-mechanics while riding or simply from too much pounding from the riders seat. I feel I cannot just give the horses time off to get better while they rest on a training fee, so I began stacking ThinLine pads. I always ride in the Ultra ThinLine but though it helped horses with sore backs it did not completely eliminate back problems so I began placing a ThinLine (1/4 inch) basic contour pad on top of my Ultra ThinLine cotton comfort pad. I am then able to work even extremely sore backed horses without discomfort and they are able to lift their backs, move properly and get right back to work with great reduced soreness.” 

Horses were often sound and happy within just a few weeks of riding with Mike and his double pad program. They were then returned to the regular single ThinLine and happily ridden by their owners.


After this conversation with Mike ThinLine began investigating by test riding with double pads and polling current ThinLine riders to see if this was a common occurrence and to determine how effective it was. Here is what we discovered:

Stacking pads is very effective for several reasons; one was a great surprise!

  • Horses with sore backs improve faster
  • Riders on experienced horses get to keep their well trained mount well trained until their seat catches up!
  • Horses in training learn new aids with less “rattle” then when the ThinLine is removed and just the Ultra ThinLine is used horses are extremely light and responsive.

We are offering our current ThinLine customers a deep discount in hopes you too will be able to try this program. Use coupon code ThinLine at the final stages of checkout.

Show Now for Saddle Pads and Tack

~ Posted by ThinLine March 19th, 2013

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