Back on Track and ThinLine create the ultimate performance saddle pad by merging two of the most effective technologies available to the equine performance world.
The ability for a horse to move freely and comfortable in their back is critical not only to long term soundness but also to achieving the softness, engagement, and power required for success in any horse show discipline. Two of the top equine product manufacturers one known for providing warmth to speed muscle relaxation, the other, known for unparalleled protection from impact, decided to join forces and create the best product for the benefit of horses.
Designed with three riding styles in mind; jumping, dressage and western the 3 pads are designed specific to each riding style. “By working together to provide horses with the best materials for their health and happiness, ThinLine and Back On Track “are both manufacturers who have the same goal in mind. Separately each product assists the horse in a different way. So, we thought, why not join forces and create a single product giving horses and owners the very best of everything available on the market? And conveniently, they shim for saddle fit needs.
At the Strömsholm Riding School, Germany,
Grundström and Stina Burström undertook a blind study that was conducted on horses with back problems. The results of this study are most certainly applicable to humans as well, especially since horses are not prone to the psychological influences of humans.
The study was conducted over two consecutive three-weekly periods. Throughout the first three weeks, half of the horses wore only their normal blankets, whilst the other half wore the Back on Track back warmer as well.
At the end of the first three-week period, both an independent veterinarian and a professional rider carried out an evaluation, neither who were privy to the knowledge of which horses used the back warmers.
The Back on Track back warmer was then transferred from the one group of horses to the other for the duration of another three-week period. At the end of that term, all horses were assessed again under identical circumstances to the earlier evaluation. After correlating all information, the indications were that eight out of ten horses improved their gait at the trot, and seven out of ten at the gallop. Despite the trial involving only ten horses, it reached a significant statistical result. Scores from the evaluation (y-axis) of the backs movement during walking, trot, and gallop, done by the veterinarian. 0 indicates a pathological back movement and 1, a first-rate movement of the back. All 10 horses are included in each bar.
Data from ThinLine is historical from previous studies but are summarized in the next two graphs. Rider movement and impact/pressure from saddles is significantly reduced in a ThinLine.
After seeing such results both with professional studies and with our own horses ThinLine joined with Back On Track USA to develop the perfect saddle pad: The Contender, which incorporates an Ultra ThinLine shim on the Back on Track Ceramic Therapeutic saddle pad. It remains a favorite product of casual and professional riders.
Back on Track and ThinLine create the ultimate performance saddle pad